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Meaning of the Name Kendra

The first name Kendra is of German, English, Anglo Saxon origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Knowledge
English: Knowledge. Can Also Be a Blend of Ken, Meaning Royal Obligation;Clear Water, and Sandra, Meaning: Protector of Man, or Andrea, Meaning Manly or Masculine
Anglo Saxon: Prophetess
English: Water Baby, Magical
English: Wise (Kendre, Kenna)

Similar Names

Keandre | Kendrew | Keondre | Kendria | Kiandra | Kindra |

Related Names

Kennalyn  (Contemporary)
Combination of Kenna or Kendra and Lynn
Kiandra  (English)
From Kendra

Additional Names

Daron | Remphan | Dionysie | Ludoslaw | Halag | Fonzo | Larenzo | Ghiyaath | Ermintrude | Melina | Tudor | Varushka | Laish | Bertha | Bonie |