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Meaning of the Name Josie

The first name Josie is of English, French, American, Hebrew origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive Form of Josephine
French: Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). Also Can Be a Diminutive of Joanne: God is Gracious. French Form of Joanna (From the Latin, Johanna) and the Feminine Form of John
American: God Will Add
Hebrew: God Will Add

Similar Names

Jase | Jesse | Jessie | Joe | Joji | Joki | Jose | Joses | Josh | Josha |

Related Names

Jocelyn  (Latin)
Merry, (In English: Just) (Joyce, Jocelin, Joceline, Jose, Josie, Josey, Joy)
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Addition, Alert, Successful, Passionate. Fern. of Joseph (Joe, Joey, Joline, Joleen, Jolene, Josee, Josey, Josie, Josephina, Josy)

Additional Names

Neilson | Gerard | Cerise | Aakesh | Kevinn | Ezekiela | Taima | Alfred | Julius | Concepcion | Netra | Shino | Ursula | Hoshama | Nika |