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Meaning of the Name Jewell

The first name Jewell is of French origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Precious Gem

Similar Names

Jeuel | Jewel | Joell |

Related Names

Amber  (English)
A Jewel Name That Became Popular from the Name of the Yellowish Resin Used in Jewellery-making. Used Regularly Since the Publication of Oth Century Writer Kathleen Winsor's Novel 'Forever Amber. '
Coral  (English)
A Popular Th Century Jewel Name, from the Name of the Pink Semi-precious Sea Growth Used to Make Jewellery and Ornaments
Coralie  (English)
Variant of Coral: a Popular Th Century Jewel Name, from the Name of the Pink Semi-precious Sea Growth Used to Make Jewellery and Ornaments

Additional Names

Zebulon | Adna | Audi | Malvina | Gerte | Sani | Inessa | Husn | Baldr | Ember | Sproule | Balbas | Neysa | Seonag | Minoru |