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Meaning of the Name Isidora

The first name Isidora is of Spanish, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Spanish: Gifted With Many Ideas
Greek: Variant of Isadora: Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity)

Similar Names

Isadorer | Isadoro | Isidore | Isidoro | Isidoror | Isidro | Isidrro | Ixidor | Ixidorr | Isadora |

Related Names

Isadora  (Latin)
Gift of the Goddess Isis (Isidora)

Additional Names

Thomasin | Dov | Rana | Madhumita | Darcy | Bainbridge | Calandria | Desiderio | Marci | Wit | Gregory | Aviva | Bernard | Milada | Barthelemy |