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Meaning of the Name Ingo

The first name Ingo is of Scandinavian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scandinavian: Male Leader

Similar Names

Ince | Inek | Inigo | Iniko | Inis | Inys | Inas | Inca | Ines | Inez |

Related Names

Domingo  (Spanish)
Born on Sunday
Domingo  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Domingos  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Gringolet  (Arthurian Legend)
Gawain's Horse
Ingolf  (Norse)
Ing's Wolf
Oringo  (African)
He Who Likes the Hunt
Oringo  (African)
Ringo  (Japanese)
Ringo  (Japanese)
Apple, Peace Be With You
Ringo  (Japanese)
Apple,Peace Be With You
Vingon  (English)
Son of Vinn

Additional Names

Herald | Clementine | Auden | Marin | Symona | Adali | Garnet | Baddon | Ilana | Boote | Vito | Murrough | Anamim | Agueda | Ravi |