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Meaning of the Name Ilario

The first name Ilario is of Italian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Italian: Cheerful

Similar Names

Ilari | Ilori | Ilar |

Related Names

Hilario  (Norse)
Hilario  (Spanish)
Hilario  (Greek)
Joyful; Glad
Hilarion  (Latin)
Iachimo  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' an Italian Friend to Philario
Ilarion  (Latin)
Philario  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' an Italian Friend to Posthumus

Additional Names

Aliceson | Ketaki | Nabha | Breinna | Goshen | Sethos | Kyrksen | Keros | Jezebel | Dezmond | Daunte | Touchstone | Jov | Marmarin | Kyra |