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Meaning of the Name Eila

The first name Eila is of Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Variant of Evelyn

Similar Names

Elah | Eli | Elia | Eliya | Ella | Ely | Elya | Eily | Ela | Elle |

Related Names

Cecilia  (Latin)
Blind, Other Forms are Cecily, Cicely, Sheila,Kind, Sensitive, Musical
Eiladar  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Penn Llarcan
Eilam  (Hebrew)
Idelle  (Celtic)
Bountiful (Ideila)
Keila  (English)
Derived from Leila or Leilani. Alt Spelling of Kayla
Keilah  (Irish)
Lively; Aggressive. Variant of Kelly
Keilah  (Hebrew)
Keilah  (Irish)
Lively; Aggressive. Variant of Kelly
Keilan  (Gaelic)
Slender; Fair
Keilani  (Hawaiian)
Glorious Chief
Laila  (Persian)
'Born at Night.' Variant of Leila
Laila  (Persian)
Night Child (Leila,Layla,Laylah)
Laleh  (Arabic)
From Leila
Layla  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Leila  (Arabic)
Night, Ethereal, Mysterious, Moody
Leila  (Irish)
Name of a Saint
Leila  (Muslim)
Variant of Layla: Night. Born at Night. Sweetheart
Leila  (Persian)
Dark. Born at Night. Heroine of Byron's 'The Giaour'
Leila  (Arabic)
Dark Beauty
Leila  (Islamic)
Born at Night (Layla, Lela, Lila, Layla)
Leila  (Arabic)
Born at Night
Leila  (Persian)
Born at Night
Leilah  (Arabic)
Born at Night
Leilah  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Leilani  (Latin)
A Flower
Leilani  (Hawaiian)
Heavenly Flower
Lela  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Lila  (Persian)
Lilac. Can Also Be a Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Neala  (Greek)
Victor (Neila, Neile, Neilla, Neille)
Neila  (English)
Feminine of Neil, Meaning Champion
Neila  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Neil: Champion
Neilan  (Irish)
Champion Form of Neil
Neilan  (Scottish)
Champion Form of Neil
Sheelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Sheila  (English)
Divine Place (Sheelah, Sheilah, Shelia)
Sheila  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Cecilia
Sheila  (Irish)
Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheila  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheilah  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Shelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sighle  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Sheila
Sile  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Sheila
Silis  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Sheila

Additional Names

Upama | Siubhan | Yurii | Demetrius | Ianthe | Bhim | Lynnette | Rudiger | Anil | Charleton | Lila | Asenka | Inas | Jeannette | Blagdon |