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Meaning of the Name Bjorn

The first name Bjorn is of Danish, Scandinavian, Swedish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Danish: Bear
Scandinavian: Bear
Swedish: Bear
Scandinavian: Bear. Famous Bearer: Swedish Tennis Champion Bjorn Borg

Similar Names

Bjarne |

Related Names

Arnbjorn  (Scandinavian)
Eagle Bear
Asbjorn  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Bernard  (English)
Strong As a Bear. See Also Bjorn
Ebbe  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Esben  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Esbern  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Esbjorn  (Swedish)
Bear of God
Esbjorn  (Norse)
Bear of the Gods
Esbjorn  (Scandinavian)
Divine Bear
Geirmund  (Norse)
Son of Gunnbjorn
Gudlaug  (Norse)
Son of Asbjorn
Gunnbjorn  (Norse)
Fighting Bear
Halklel  (Norse)
Brother of Ketilbjorn
Hallbjorn  (Norse)
Rock Bear
Halldor  (Norse)
Son of Gunnbjorn
Kolbjorn  (Swedish)
Black Bear
Lambi  (Norse)
Son of Thorbjorn the Feeble
ThDrbjorn  (Norse)
Bear of Thor
Thorunn  (Norse)
Mother of Bishop of Bjorn
Thorunna  (Norse)
Mother of Bishop of Bjorn
Torbjorn  (Swedish)
Thunder Bear
Torunn  (Norse)
Mother of Bishop of Bjorn 'Thor's Love'
Velaug  (Norse)
Wife of Bjorn Buna
Vifil  (Norse)
Father of Thornbjorn
Wybjorn  (Norse)
War Bear

Additional Names

Archibald | Banys | Star | Nolen | Acton | Camshron | Enya | Ashley | Livingston | Hale | Silsby | Devanand | Gabriele | Deveon | Raibhya |