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Meaning of the Name Akash

The first name Akash is of Indian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: sky
Indian: sky

Similar Names

Aakesh | Ahish | Ash | Aase | Aka | Akako | Ayasha | Ayashe |

Related Names

Bhanuprakash  (Hindu)
Sun Shine
Divyaprakash  (Hindu)
Divine Glow
Lokprakash  (Indian)
light of the world
Omprakash  (Indian)
light of Om
Prakash  (Indian)
Raviprakash  (Hindu)
Light of the Sun
Satyaprakash  (Hindu)
Glow of Truth
Shivaprakash  (Hindu)
Radiance of Shiva

Additional Names

Luvenia | Alddes | Imaran | Lina | Jesus | Makoto | Elisa | Jaquenetta | Gammadims | Sylvanella | Siobhan | Cochiti | Addy | Maxie | Reuhen |