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Baby names beginning with "L"

1517 names found for "L"   (page 31 of 31) 

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Lysimache  (Latin)
Daughter of Priam
Lysimachus  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Governor of Mytilene
Lysimachus  (Biblical)
Scattering the Battle
Lysippe  (Latin)
An Amazon
Lyssa  (English)
Honey. Abbreviation of Melissa; Lissandra; Alyssa
Lystra  (Biblical)
That Dissolves or Disperses
Lystra  (Biblical)
That Dissolves or Disperses
Lyting  (Norse)
Brother of Thorstein Torfi
Lyubochka  (Russian)
Love of the People
Lyudmila  (Russian)
Love of the People
Lyuha  (Russian)
Love of the People
Lyulf  (English)
A Compound of the Old English Words for 'Flame' and 'Wolf'
Lyulph  (English)
Variant of Lyulf: a Compound of the Old English Words for 'Flame' and 'Wolf'
Lyvia  (English)
Life. Ancient Roman Name. Also an Abbreviation of Olivia
Lyza  (English)
Abbreviation of Elizabeth and Eliza
Lyza  (English)
Abbreviation of Elizabeth and Eliza
Lyzbeth  (English)
Abbreviation of Elizabeth

Additional Names

Kolinkar | Lorilla | Umayma | Rae | Ardina | Ronan | Dalaiah | Shilom | Geoffrey | Flor | Dahab | Dionysius | Dilwyn | Brennen | Eames |