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Names That Mean Heart

175 names found for "Heart"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Heart? We couldn't find the exact name Heart, but listed below are some first names meaning Heart or names similar to the word Heart.

Similar Names

Hart | Harte | Harti | Heorot | Heort | Heartha | Herta |

Related Names

Matchitehew  (Native American)
He Has an Evil Heart (Algonquin)
May  (Latin)
From Mary-bitter Heart
Mildred  (Teutonic)
Daring, Hard -hearted, Elegent, Clear Intellect, Unconventional
Muhjah  (Muslim)
Heart's Blood. Soul
Muircheartaigh  (Irish)
Expert Seaman
Nitesh  (Hindu)
Heartbeat of the Earth
Nuttah  (Native American)
My Heart (Algonquin)
Oberon  (German)
Bear Heart
Oberon  (German)
Bear Heart
Rafeeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafiga: Sweetheart. Companion
Rafiga  (Muslim)
Sweetheart. Companion
Richard  (English)
A Borrowing from the Old French, Richard is Derived from the Old High German Richart, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Ric, Rik (Power, Ruler) and Hard (Strong, Brave, Hearty). Short Forms:
Sadzi  (Native American)
Sun Heart,Clock
Shaalbim  (Biblical)
That Beholds the Heart
Shaalbim  (Biblical)
That Beholds the Heart
Symona  (American)
It is Heartd
Terence  (Latin)
Tender, Another Form is Terry, Soft-hearted, Easily-swayed, Cultured
Uistean  (Irish)
Variant of Euston: Heart
Ura  (Hindu)
The Heart
Velma  (Teutonic)
Warm Hearted
Vesta  (Latin)
Goddess of the Hearth
Violet  (Latin)
Modest Grace, Graceful, Imaginative, Her Heart Rules Her Head
Wahab  (Hindu)
Large Hearted
Wilmot  (Teutonic)
Beloved Heart
Xenia  (Greek)
Warm Hearted, Gracious (Zena, Xena, Chimene)

Additional Names

Calibome | Hortencia | Bendigeidfran | Ismail | Vajra | Jordon | Tearlach | Carlynda | Gilana | Lynelle | Etty | Verner | Farrand | Tatum | Terrin |