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Names That Mean Gift

757 names found for "Gift"   (page 16 of 16) 

<< | < | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Looking for names that mean Gift? We couldn't find the exact name Gift, but listed below are some first names meaning Gift or names similar to the word Gift.

Related Names

Zanna  (Hebrew)
God's Gift
Zanns  (Polish)
God's Gracious Gift
Zavada  (Hebrew)
Gift from God (Zavonya)
Zeb  (Hebrew)
Abbreviation of Zebedee or Zebediah. Portion of the Lord, Gift from God
Zebadiah  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Zebadiah  (Hebrew)
God's Gift
Zebediah  (Hebrew)
Gift from God

Additional Names

Penley | Imam | Constantino | Roldana | Hetty | Mahadevs | Vilhelmina | Bela | Renfield | Armstrong | Ario | Laquan | Anat | Kasa | Etain |