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Meaning of the Name Ruana

The first name Ruana is of Hindu origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Musical Instrument With a String
Hindu: Musical Instrument

Similar Names

Raanan | Rama | Rane | Rani | Rena | Reyna | Rian | Roan | Roane | Roano |

Related Names

Ruanaidh  (Irish)
Ruanaidh  (Gaelic)
Red Haired
Struana  (Scottish)
From the Stream

Additional Names

Asta | Levane | Kishon | Sine | Banbhan | Alexandina | Anselmo | Wendy | Vaughn | Chavi | Zair | Marsilla | Rangsey | Magnhilda | Ascalaphus |