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Names That Mean Cris

72 names found for "Cris"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Cris? We couldn't find the exact name Cris, but listed below are some first names meaning Cris or names similar to the word Cris.

Similar Names

CarIes | Cerys | Chris | Craig | Cruz | Cwrig | Cyrus | Carisa | Carys | Ceres |

Related Names

Cristina  (Spanish)
Christian; Another Form of Christina
Cristina  (Italian)
Follower of Christ
Cristina  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ
Cristine  (Italian)
Follower of Christ
Cristine  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ
Cristiona  (Latin)
Cristobal  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Cristobal  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Cristofer  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Cristofor  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Cristoforo  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Cristoforo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Cristoforo  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Criston  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Cristophe  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Cristos  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Cristoval  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Cristy  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ
Cristy  (Irish)
Abbreviation of Christine: Follower of Christ
Cristy  (English)
From the Name Christopher
Cristyn  (English)
Variant of Christian
Eunice  (Greek)
Good Victory, Joyous Victory. She Conquers. Famous Bearer: in the Bible Eunice Was a Woman Noted for Being Without Hypocrisy

Additional Names

Kiandria | Rumina | Shesh | Esme | Laura | Nafisa | Cnidel | Naarah | Keesha | Verna | Sawda | Keaghan | Boris | Stirling | Reyhurn |