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Names That Mean Beau

752 names found for "Beau"   (page 4 of 16) 

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Looking for names that mean Beau? We couldn't find the exact name Beau, but listed below are some first names meaning Beau or names similar to the word Beau.

Similar Names

Babu | Bao | Bay | Bea | Beb | Bebai | Bee | Bu | Bab | Bebe |

Related Names

Bellden  (English)
Variant of Beldon: Beautiful Vale/Valley
Belldon  (English)
Variant of Beldon: Beautiful Vale/Valley
Belle  (French)
Pretty, Beautiful
Belle  (French)
Fair. Lovely One. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name Associated With the French Word Belle, Meaning Beautiful
Belle  (French)
Belle  (Spanish)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Belle  (Latin)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Amabel, Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel
Belva  (Latin)
Beautiful View
Berth  (Welsh)
Bevis  (French)
Handsome Face. Also 'From Beauvais'
Bhadraksh  (Indian)
one with beautiful eyes
Bianca  (Italian)
White, Fair One, Beautiful Heart
Bo  (French)
Diminutive of Beauregard: Respected; Regarded Highly (Literal Translation is Beautiful/Handsome Gaze). Also a Variant of Beau: Handsome
Bonita  (Spanish)
Pretty, Beautiful
Bonnie  (Scottish)
Pretty, Charming Beautiful. Derived from the Scottish Dialect Word Bonny, Meaning Beautiful; Which in Turn is Based on the Latin 'Bonus' Meaning Good
Bonnie  (Latin)
Bonnie  (Scottish)
Beautiful, Good-natured, and Cheerful. Variations: Bonny. (Bon- Nee)
Bonny  (Scottish)
Pretty, Charming Beautiful. Derived from the Scottish Dialect Word Bonny, Meaning Beautiful; Which in Turn is Based on the Latin 'Bonus' Meaning Good
Bonny  (Latin)
Branwen  (Welsh)
Beautiful Raven. Branwen Was Heroine of One of the Tales of the Mabinogion
Buthayna  (Muslim)
Of Beautiful and Tender Body
Buthaynah  (Arabic)
Of a Beautiful Body
Cadhla  (Irish)
Caitlin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Virginal Beauty
Caitlyn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure Beauty
Calantha  (French)
Beautiful Flower
Calantha  (Greek)
Beautiful Blossom
Calanthe  (French)
Beautiful Flower
Cali  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calida  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calida  (Greek)
Most Beautiful
Calissa  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Calista Was a Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calista  (Greek)
Calisto  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calixte  (Greek)
Very Beautiful
Calla  (Greek)
The Most Beautiful
Calla  (Greek)
Calla  (Greek)
Beautiful (Callie, Cally)
Calli  (Greek)
The Most Beautiful
Callia  (Greek)
Callia  (Greek)
Beautiful Voice
Callie  (Greek)
The Most Beautiful
Callie  (Greek)
Calligenia  (Greek)
Daughter of Beauty
Calligenia  (Greek)
Born of Beauty
Calliope  (Greek)
One With Beautiful Voice
Calliope  (Greek)
Beautiful Voice. A Mythological Muse for Epic Poetry
Callista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Calista Was a Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Callista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful
752 names found for "Beau"   (page 4 of 16) 

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Additional Names

Faruq | Rakesh | Nusrat | Chastine | Robertson | Celestiel | Gairbhith | Nehama | Seyton | Hyacinth | Derrell | Poojyapad | Khalidah | SutcIyf | Basilio |