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Meaning of the Name Silence

The first name Silence is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'King Henry Iv, Part ' a Country Justice

Similar Names

Solange |

Related Names

Artaxerxes  (Biblical)
'The Silence of Light, Fervent to Spoil'
Dumali  (Biblical)
Silence, Resemblance
Dumali  (Biblical)
Silence, Resemblance
Harosheth  (Biblical)
A Forest, Agriculture, Workmanship, Deafness, Silence
Harosheth  (Biblical)
A Forest, Agriculture, Workmanship, Deafness, Silence
Hashabnah  (Biblical)
The Silence of the Lord
Hashabniah  (Biblical)
The Silence of the Lord
Hashum  (Biblical)
Silence, Their Hasting
Hashum  (Biblical)
Silence, Their Hasting
Hushai  (Biblical)
Their Haste, Their Sensuality, Their Silence
Hushai  (Biblical)
Their Haste, Their Sensuality, Their Silence
Hushathite  (Biblical)
Man of Haste; or of Silence
Hushim  (Biblical)
Man of Haste; or of Silence
Mert  (Egyptian)
Lover of Silence
Mert ekert  (Egyptian)
Lover of Silence
Miyuki  (Japanese)
Silence of Deep Snow
Muta  (Latin)
Goddess of Silence
Tacy  (Latin)
Tacy  (English)
Silence. Also an Abbreviation of Anastacia
Tacy  (Latin)
Silence. Also an Abbreviation of Anastacia
Thahash  (Biblical)
That Makes Haste, That Keeps Silence

Additional Names

Priya | Lanna | Godfrey | Xenia | Jehohanan | Bates | Abdul Karim | Ahuva | Anise | Bartlet | Princeton | Phlegon | Dee | Dominique | Paton |